Do Alec and Kaleb Get Paid for Commercials A Comprehensive Look into Child Actors and Commercial Payments

When it comes to television commercials, especially those promoting health-related causes, Alec Cabacungan and Kaleb-Wolf De Melo Torres are among the most recognized faces. These two boys, known for their heartfelt appearances in Shriners Hospitals for Children commercials, have touched the hearts of millions. With their wide exposure, many wonder whether Alec and Kaleb receive payment for commercials. This article explores child actors’ compensation, investigates if Alec and Kaleb receive payment, and examines broader payment contexts.

Do Alec and Kaleb Get Paid for Commercials A Comprehensive Look into Child Actors and Commercial Payments

Who Are Alec and Kaleb?

Before answering if Alec and Kaleb get paid for commercials, understand who they are and their recognition.

  • Alec Cabacungan: Alec was born with osteogenesis imperfecta, a genetic disorder known as brittle bone disease. This condition causes bones to break easily. Despite this, Alec has become a spokesperson for Shriners Hospitals for Children, where doctors have treated him since childhood. His charismatic personality, positive outlook on life, and ability to advocate for the hospital have made him a prominent figure in Shriners’ fundraising and awareness campaigns.
  • Kaleb-Wolf De Melo Torres: Kaleb, another young patient at Shriners Hospitals, also lives with osteogenesis imperfecta. Like Alec, Kaleb has appeared in numerous commercials for Shriners, and his warm personality and smile have endeared him to viewers across the country. He has become a symbol of hope and perseverance, much like Alec.

Shriners Hospitals for Children Commercials

Shriners Hospitals for Children is a network of 22 non-profit medical facilities across North America, specializing in pediatric care, especially for children with orthopedic conditions, burns, spinal cord injuries, and cleft lip and palate. The hospital’s advertisements, often featuring Alec and Kaleb, play a crucial role in raising awareness and funding for the hospital’s operations. These commercials air nationwide and attract significant donations, which allow the hospital to provide medical care regardless of a patient’s ability to pay.

Given the nationwide reach and emotional impact of these commercials, many viewers might assume that Alec and Kaleb receive compensation for their appearances. After all, they are the faces of a massive fundraising initiative. But is that really the case?

Do Alec and Kaleb Get Paid for Commercials?

The question “do Alec and Kaleb get paid for commercials” is valid and requires considering several factors for an accurate answer. While neither Alec nor Kaleb have publicly discussed their specific compensation, it’s important to look at several key factors that may influence whether they receive payment:

Non-Profit Organisations and Compensation

Shriners Hospitals for Children is a non-profit organization, which means its primary focus is on using donations for patient care, research, and hospital operations. As Alec and Kaleb are Shriners patients, their commercial appearances might serve as voluntary advocacy work for the hospital. Non-profit organizations often rely on volunteers or beneficiaries to help raise awareness, and this could be the case for Alec and Kaleb.

Child Labor Laws and Actors

Child actors, like Alec and Kaleb, are subject to labor laws thatprotect them from exploitation. These laws, which vary by state and country, ensure that minors performing in movies, TV shows, and commercials receive fair compensation for their time and effort. In the U.S., the Coogan Law requires setting aside part of child actors’ income in a trust until adulthood.

Given that Alec and Kaleb regularly appear in commercials aired nationwide, these regulations likely govern their involvement. This means that, while they may not receive large sums, they likely receive compensation according to the legal requirements for child actors in commercial roles.

Advocacy and Recognition

It’s also important to recognize that Alec and Kaleb might have motivations beyond financial compensation. Both boys likely have personal reasons for their participation. boys have publicly expressed their gratitude for the care they’ve received from Shriners Hospitals and have made it clear that they want to help the hospital that has helped them. Their participation in the commercials reflects advocacy, as they aim to give back to the organization that supported them throughout their medical journeys.

Additionally, the public exposure Alec and Kaleb have gained from these commercials may open up future opportunities for them, both professionally and personally. Alec, for example, has already expressed interest in pursuing a career in sports broadcasting, and his national recognition could serve as a stepping stone in achieving that goal.

How Child Actors Get Paid in Commercials

To determine if Alec and Kaleb get paid for commercials, examine how child actors typically earn compensation.

Union vs. Non-Union Roles

The Screen Actors Guild – American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) governs the pay scales for actors, including child actors, in union-based productions. Commercials under the union’s jurisdiction must pay actors according to specific guidelines. This includes not only payment for the time spent filming but also residuals for each time the commercial airs.

If the industry considers Alec and Kaleb’s commercials union productions, they would receive payment according to SAG-AFTRA’s guidelines. Non-union productions, however, may operate under different rules, meaning actors might receive a flat rate without additional residual payments.

Coogan Accounts

The Coogan Law requires setting aside a portion of a child actor’s earnings in a special account that they can access when they turn 18. Lawmakers enacted this law after Jackie Coogan’s parents mismanaged his earnings. Today, Coogan Accounts are a standard part of the financial arrangements for child actors in the U.S.

If Alec and Kaleb receive payment for their appearances in the Shriners commercials, they will likely place a portion of their earnings into a Coogan Account for future use.

Benefits Beyond Money

In some cases, child actors receive compensation in ways other than money. This might include scholarships, healthcare benefits, or other forms of long-term support. Given that Alec and Kaleb are patients of Shriners Hospitals, it’s possible that their continued medical care is part of their compensation for appearing in the commercials.


Q: Do Alec and Kaleb get paid for commercials?

A: While there is no public confirmation, it’s likely that Alec and Kaleb receive some form of compensation, whether monetary or through other benefits, for their appearances in Shriners Hospitals for Children commercials.

Q: Are child actors required to be paid for commercials?

A: Yes, state labor laws and union guidelines generally require payment for child actors’ work in commercials. The amount of compensation can vary depending on factors such as the production type and the actor’s contract.

Q: What is a Coogan Account?

A: A Coogan Account is a special trust account that law requires to protect child actors’ earnings. A portion of a child actor’s earnings must go into this account, which the child can access when they turn 18.

Q: Why do Alec and Kaleb appear in Shriners commercials?

A: Alec and Kaleb are both patients of Shriners Hospitals for Children and have benefited from the care provided by the hospital. Their appearances in the commercials help raise awareness and funds for the hospital.


Do Alec and Kaleb receive payment for commercials? While there is no public confirmation regarding their specific compensation, it is likely that they receive some form of payment, whether it be monetary, through scholarships, or other benefits. Given the legal protections in place for child actors, as well as the wide reach of the commercials in which they appear, it would be unusual for them to not receive any compensation.

However, their involvement with Shriners Hospitals is clearly about more than money. Alec and Kaleb are passionate advocates for the hospital, and their primary motivation seems to be spreading awareness and helping other children like themselves.

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